Diary: September 2020

Diary Of  A Health Coach

I often get asked what my life looks like since becoming a Health Coach, so each month, I dedicate a post to a behind the scenes look.

September was pretty low key month work-wise. I had my head down working on the project I mentioned last month.

Besides for an article published in New York Lifestyles Magazine: It's All Connected: Why Wellness Needs An Even More Holistic Approach, nothing too flashy or jazzy happened this month.

(The article is a pretty epic, multipage spread - and I got it using my favorite press hack, which I teach in The Bootcamp. )

Keeping Your Knowledge Fresh as a Health Coach

The field of health and nutrition is anything but stale, so it’s important to stay on top of the latest research and trends in this space. I do that by reading a ton, listening to podcasts, and watching documentaries.

I love researching topics I’m Interested in on PubMed (a database of every study published in scientific journals. Some studies you can read for free, others you have to pay for).

I also love checking out the latest health books, and try to read 1-2 a month. This month I read Breath by James Nestor. I highly recommend it. It’s about the importance of breathing properly, and how it affects our overall health, in ways you couldn’t even imagine. It has made me much more mindful of how I breathe on a day to day basis.

I also read Dying to be Me by Anita Moorjani. This is another must-read. It is the story of a woman who had stage 4 terminal cancer, fell into a coma with organ failure, had a near-death experience in the hospital while doctors told her family to make arrangements, and came back, completely healed from cancer. It will give you goosebumps. It’s all documented. Oncologists from all over the world have studied this miraculous case.

As Health Coaches and Nutritionists, food is our first line of defense for better health, but the truth is, despite how powerful food is (and it IS powerful) self love is infinitely more powerful. Anita’s remarkable story teaches us loving and accepting ourselves, celebrating life, and perhaps most importantly- overcoming our fears - is the true key to health and happiness.

Staying Organized & Motivated

Over the years, I have added more and more commitments to my plate. From my main health coaching blog and newsletter, to my podcast, to this business coaching blog and newsletter, to social media, I have A LOT of content to create. This can feel overwhelming at times, but it’s only the times where I am not organized. And when I’m not organized, I find I lack motivation.

I get this question about organization and motivation pretty frequently, so let me share the things that have helped me the most:.

  1. This Productivity Planner - This planner is a game-changer in terms of helping you figure out your priorities, and actually prioritize them. So often we get mired in emails, social media, and who knows what else, then a day goes by and we didn’t finish the thing that needed to be done. Not with this planner!

  2. Chunking Time - I love blocking out chunks of my calendar for specific tasks. That way, when the notification pops up, I know it’s time to switch gears, or that I only have a certain amount of time to complete something. It helps keep me focused and moving forward. Bye bye instagram black holes.

  3. Keeping my phone in the other room or on do not disturb. Phones are designed to be irresistible, with all their bells, whistles, and notifications. If it’s out of sight though, it’s out of mind, and I find I work much more productively.

  4. Having a work start and end time - When working from home, this can be a bit of a challenge, but I find it really beneficial to set these boundaries. Start on time, end on time. and don’t do house chores in between. If I know I have to finish at a certain time, it helps me focus and get things done.

  5. Seek out a Mentor - a mentor can provide guidance and advice that will cut through the confusion and overwhelm that is keeping you stuck in fear or perfection paralysis. Additionally, having someone to check in with weekly will help light a fire under that peach.



Diary: October 2020


Diary: August 2020