Diary: August 2020


I often get asked what my life looks like since becoming a Health Coach, so each month, I dedicate a post to a behind the scenes look. In August, I spent most of the month working on an exciting new project.

Before we get to what’s cooking, a couple lessons from the month:

Getting Consistent Testimonials


I got a few incredible testimonials this month, one for my Paleo Meal Plan and another from a student in Malaysia who did my Clear Skin Plan. It’s always a great reminder of the positive impact we can have as Health Coaches.

As you grow your health coaching business, it’s important to get and post testimonials often. Before and after photos of visible weight loss or health improvement are compelling, and are often what help other people decide to enroll or sign up with you.

It’s important to ASK for testimonials. Sure some people will send them on their own volition, but the vast majority of people, won’t. So, it’s a good idea to build in asking for testimonials at the end of your program. You could do so verbally on the last session, or via email for digital / online clients.

And, if you’re just starting out, offer someone you know to do your program for free in exchange for an authentic testimonial and photo at the end.

Collaborating with Brands

A question I’m asked about quite frequently by new Health Coaches is how to work and collaborate with brands. The easiest way, is to start showing them a little LOVE.

This month I had posted a quick IG story about my favorite bitters, the brand reached out to me, sent me free product, and we’re now discussing future collaborations.

If you have a following less than 100K (like me) a great way to get noticed by brands is to post about them and tag them. Whether that’s a short IG story video about why you love the product, or a feed post utilizing their product in a recipe, let the brand know that you’re a customer and raving fan of their product.

You’ll likely hear back from them, and they may offer to provide you with free product. (If they don’t you can be bold and ask! For example, you can say something like, I love baking with your spices - would you consider sending me a few bottles and I’ll tag you in any recipes I create with them?)

Build the relationship with them, post authentically about the product, and as you grow, you can reach out to them for additional opportunities. For example, for a sponsored post, to host a giveaway with your followers, or to provide free product in the goodie bag of an event you’re hosting (which you can charge a sponsorship fee for).

So, any products you love, post about them and tag the brands! It’s a win-win-win for you, your followers, and the brand.

Cooking Up Something New

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I’ve been working on an exciting new project, which is slowly but surely coming to fruition. So most of my month was spent heads down at my computer. It’s something I’ve been thinking about for YEARS, but have been admittedly slow to execute. While I can’t reveal the full details just yet (hint: I’ll be taking my signature Clear Skin Plan to the next level), I want to share this lesson with you.

Don’t wait. The idea in your head? Get it down on paper. Start doing research. Start building it, today. Seek out mentors. Find resources to help you bring your idea to life. Create an informal advisory board. Tell people about your idea. Set deadlines.

I wish I would have done what I’m doing now years ago, but I didn’t. Why? Because I didn’t think I knew enough to execute it properly. I was too scared and proud to ask for help. I took baby steps, and dipped my toes in the water, but never went 100%.

I felt trapped doing what I thought everyone else thought I should do, instead of leaning into who I knew I could become. How silly is that? That nagging feeling you have deep down, telling you to do something? Just do it now. Things will fall into place. You will figure out what you don’t know. But you just have to start.

I can’t wait to share this project with you when it’s ready! And I hope this post inspires you to TAKE ACTION on your dreams, today.



Diary: September 2020


Diary: July 2020