Diary: October 2020

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I often get asked what my life looks like since becoming a Health Coach, so each month, I dedicate a post to a behind the scenes look.

Keep in mind, this is of course, my highlight reel. What you don’t see is the days behind the computer writing, planning, strategizing, emailing, and all the mundane tasks that go into maintaining a business.

Silver Linings

There are many silver linings to the current pandemic we are living through: slowing down, cooking more at home, cherishing our relationships, and the ability to zoom call anywhere in the world. Including onto national TV.

This month I landed some major press (and I want to teach you how you can, too!) But first, a few highlights from October:

Celebrated my B-day

I celebrated my bday Oct 2 it in NY with my husband and family.

We spent most of our trip in Upstate NY, hiking and enjoying nature.


For my b-day evening, I invited my bestie from the 4th grade, Marisa, over and we reminisced about Backstreet Boys concerts, sleepovers, and sneaking out.

It was truly food for my soul, and if there is one lesson this pandemic has driven home for me, it’s that relationships and community matter more than organic groceries and green juice.

Celebrated Our 1 Year Anniversary


This year, I’m taking the time to relish moments and celebrate everything. If you’re alive and well, it’s a cause to celebrate. On October 19th, Kush and I celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary. Although this photo is from a mountain top upstate somewhere, we were back in Dubai for the anniversary, and had a simple dinner at home. I’m absolutely living for making every moment special, pandemic be damned.

How to Get Press As a Health Coach

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One of the questions I get asked most frequently by fellow health coaches, is how to get press, such as TV interviews. There is no better time than NOW to pitch TV producers, as you can literally Zoom in to any show, anywhere in the world.

Case in point: this month, I did a zoom segment with The Doctors on CBS, and in July, I instagram-Lived with Good Morning America. These are two huge, important national media outlets…and I did them both from the comfort of my kitchen.

We are living in a very unique time, and people are looking for guidance from nutrition & health professionals, including Health Coaches, now more than ever before. So if you have an idea for a segment that the country can benefit from, it is time to pitch it. In a nutshell, here is how to pitch:

  1. Choose a relevant and timely topic. News producers want timely, new, and noteworthy segments to share. How can you tie what you do to current events?

  2. Craft a hook. A hook is essentially a headline, or title for your segment, that will make viewers want to tune in and not change the channel. Or readers on a site click the post. It will also be what helps the producer open your email and hit reply. Come up with a title that will spark curiosity and the recipient to know more.

  3. Find and reach out to the correct producer. This is the more difficult part. You’ll have to do some googling to figure out who the producer is that would book a segment like yours, and how to contact them.

I teach my Bootcamp students a super simple hack for finding and pitching media outlets regularly. And not just for TV. Online media mentions can be just as fruitful - sometimes more so - since online media outlets can directly link to your site, which means more traffic for you.

For example, using this hack, I shared tips in a Vogue.com article this month, too.

Beyond just drawing visitors to my site, getting a link back from a top site like Vogue.com improves my SEO. That means more people will find my site in search engines when searching for the content I provide.

This strategy of getting press and optimizing my site has been pivotal to my success as a health coach, and I teach the exact strategies I use in my Health Coach Business Bootcamp.

If you’ve been thinking about it for a while or have questions about it, drop me a line here.



Diary: February 2021


Diary: September 2020