50 Health Coach Niche Ideas

Health Coach Niche Ideas

As a Health Coach, choosing a niche will save you from years of wallowing in confusion and overwhelm.

Without a clearly defined niche, you won’t know what to focus on and your ideal clients won’t know why they should hire you. That means less clients, less income, and less success.

You end up shortchanging yourself, and the people you could help.

If you want to dig deeper into WHY and HOW a niche will greatly benefit you, your business, and your clients, check out my earlier post, To Niche, or Not to Niche?

While you’re here, check out these 50 Health Coach Niche Ideas (but of course, don’t feel limited by them).

50 Health Coach Niche Ideas

Your niche should not only be something you’re passionate about, but also something you are well-researched, knowledgeable, and qualified to coach on.

Many Health Coaches choose a niche based on a problem that they once had and solved or a demographic they know well.

Generally you’ll choose your niche based on symptoms or demographic.

Symptom Niche

You could niche down by symptom or health goal. For example:

  1. Weight loss - you could further niche down by targeting a specific demographic - such as people who need to lose 100+ pounds or busy moms who want to lose the baby weight.

  2. Digestive issues - you could further niche down by targeting specific issues, such as IBS, Chron’s, bloating, etc. Team up with a GI doc for referrals.

  3. Fatigue/Low Energy

  4. Autoimmune disorders - team up with a functional medicine doc to offer dietary and lifestyle remedies to help put autoimmune symptoms into remission.

  5. Hormonal imbalance

  6. Infertility

  7. PCOS

  8. Endometriosis

  9. Improve cardiovascular health such as reducing blood pressure or cholesterol.

  10. Diabetes

  11. Mental health - you could team up with a holistic psychologist or psychiatrist to offer dietary and lifestyle solutions to improve mood and lessen anxiety, depression, stress.

  12. Inflammation

  13. Candida

  14. Menopause

  15. Thyroid issues

  16. Navigating and managing chronic illness

  17. Toxic mold issues

  18. Lyme Disease

Lifestyle Niche

Conversely, you can niche down by demographics and psychographics. In other words, by type of person, or where they are in life. For example:

  1. Pre/Post pregnancy

  2. Post surgery

  3. Corporate executives who want to lose weight

  4. Young professionals who want more energy and a healthier relationship with food

  5. Working moms

  6. Moms of small kids who want to encourage their kids to eat healthier

  7. College students

  8. Brides-to-be

  9. Stay-at-home parents

  10. Athletes

  11. Frequent travelers

  12. Millennials who want to get healthy but hate cooking

Diet Related

With so many popular diets, often times people are looking for help following a new dietary pattern. If you love cooking and creating recipes, and you yourself follow a specific dietary pattern, this could be a good option. Here are some diet-related niches:

  1. Plant-based/vegan/vegetarian

  2. Paleo

  3. Keto

  4. Mediterranean

  5. Low carb

  6. Whole food

  7. Gluten-free

  8. Dairy-free

  9. Intermittent fasting

  10. AIP Diet

  11. Anti-inflammatory diet


More and more corporations are hiring health coaches to help keep their employees healthy - even virtually. By focusing specifically on corporate wellness, you can design packages and programs for institutional clients. Some ideas include:

  1. Employee health & wellness such as weight loss, improving health markers (blood pressure, diabetes risk, etc.)

  2. Stress management

  3. Work-life balance

  4. Immune boosting

  5. Avoiding burnout

  6. Cognitive function - you can focus on improving mental clarity, focus, and productivity through dietary and lifestyle habits.


  1. Breaking Sugar Addiction

  2. Emotional eating

  3. Intuitive Eating

So there you have 50 possible health coach niche ideas. These are just a starting point, and of course you can refine or even expand on each of these.

In my Health Coach Business Bootcamp, one of the first things you’ll do is figure out and clearly define your niche. Then, you’ll have direction for developing your signature program, marketing, blog, social media, and just about everything that shapes your business.

With a clear niche, you’ll get much further than being a generalist, so don’t bypass this important step.


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