How To Post Confidently On Social Media & Turn Followers Into Clients

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Oh social media. So many of us have a love hate relationship with it. It can be overwhelming and frustrating, but it can also be an incredible and fruitful marketing tool for health coaches. One of the best marketing tactics for your health coaching business is to build a solid health coach social media strategy.

I’ve heard all the thoughts and excuses for why someone is not posting on social (heck, I’ve told many of them to myself, too!)

So, in this post let me break down the most common excuses and how to solve them so you can post more confidently on social media to turn your followers into clients.

Why Use Social Media for Your Health Coaching Business?

If you’re not using social media, you’re leaving money on the table.

Social media is the best free marketing tool on the planet. Most people are glued to their phones and computers all day - and anxiously await notifications from their social media profiles.

People scroll endlessly for hours, or sneak a peek under their desk when their boss isn’t looking. They scroll when they are walking, commuting, peeing, and supposed to be going to sleep.

People use social media to follow and learn about things they’re interested in. So, cultivating a following of people interested in what you have to say, is an effective way to grow and strengthen your potential client pool.

Common Excuses for Not Using Social Media and How to Overcome Them

“I’m scared to post myself on Instagram”

The fear of rejection is real. When it comes to posting on social media, I think a lot of people are so terrified of putting themselves out there for fear of criticism, that they completely shut down and either don’t post at all, or hide behind their lunch.

Think about all the social media accounts you follow. Now think about your top 3-5 accounts that you love. You know, the ones that you search their name to scroll their feed, or always like and comment on, or simply, always feel good, maybe even better about yourself, when you see their posts?

Yes, those ones.

Now, how many of these are accounts that just post inanimate objects - food, infographics, etc. and how many of those are accounts that primarily post videos or photos of themselves.

I’m going to bet it’s mostly, if not completely, the latter. Why? People connect more deeply with people than sweet potatoes!

Right now, most people are wired to think competition - that everyone is out to get them or hate on them. That everyone wants to see you fail.

But, it’s just. not. true.

Most people are good people. And they want to see other people SOAR. They want to see other people truly living their best lives, and shining their light bright. [and if there are some haters, screw those meanies, anyway]

It’s often our own mind that traps us and tricks us into playing small.

If you want to be successful, you have to play BIG with your health coach social media strategy. And let people know who you are.

This doesn’t mean you have to share every intimate detail of your life or your family, but it does mean you need to show your face at least every once in a while.

If you’re super clear on your health coaching niche and target market (which I help you do in my Health Coach Business Bootcamp) then you’ll know exactly which aspects of your life are ripe for sharing and connecting with your target market. And which ones you can keep to yourself.

If you’re uncomfortable in front of the camera, my Health Coach Business Bootcamp photoshoot planning guide will make you feel like a confident pro.

“I hate being glued to my phone”

Don’t we all! Luckily, you don’t have to be glued to your phone in order to post regularly on social media. You just need to be organized.

In my Health Coach Business Bootcamp, I teach you how to create an editorial calendar, strategically plan and execute photoshoots, and schedule out your content for a month (or months!). You can then put all your social media posts on auto-pilot, and just pop in to respond to comments or questions.

“I don’t know what to post about”

Can you imagine having a never ending stream of ideas on what to post about? Or, being able to schedule out your blog content for an entire YEAR?! Or, knowing exactly what to say to connect (and convert) your target client?

When you become laser clear on your niche and target market, all of the above become a breeze. No more flying by the seat of your pants or agonizing over what to post on social media.

Health Coach Social Media Strategy

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Now with your newfound confidence boost, it’s time to not only post, but post strategically to turn followers into clients. The way to do that is to come up with a solid health coach social media strategy. What value do you bring? What do you post about? How do you want to come across in your posts?

In my Health Coach Business Bootcamp, I walk you through a number of exercises to help you figure out your social media value proposition, and then provide you with templates for editorial and content calendars, as well as scheduling tools, organic growth strategies, and photography and caption guidelines, to help you make the most of every post.

I created my Health Coach Business Bootcamp, to be the crash course I WISH I had when I first started health coaching in 2012. Stop wasting time trying to figure everything out on your own, and start following a proven roadmap and strategies that will help you launch and grow a successful health coaching business.

PS- did you know that you can start snagging new clients with LESS THAN 1,000 FOLLOWERS?!? Yes, Rachel signed on 6 new clients as a result of what she learned in the Health Coach Business Bootcamp about building her health coach social media strategy, with less than 1,000 followers.

PSS- she now has surpassed 1,000 followers thanks to implementing the Instagram strategies she learned in the Health Coach Business Bootcamp!


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