8 Common Social Media Mistakes + How To Fix Them To Grow Your Following Faster

Health Coach Social Media Mistakes

Social media marketing is a huge asset to your health coaching business. Through it, you can reach new clients, build a loyal following and connect with your target audience at the click of a finger.

And while social media can be easy to use, it’s important to ensure you steer clear of common social media mistakes that may be hindering your follower growth.

8 Social Media Mistakes & How To Fix Them

Being On All Social Media Platforms

Many health coaches make the mistake of jumping on to every social network only to realize they are stretching their resources thin and producing very little results in the process.

Tip: Research who your target clientele is and what social media platform they spend the most time on. Then prioritize your efforts on 1 or 2 networks.

Having An Incomplete Profile

Many health coaches don’t complete their profile nor communicate who they are effectively through their profile. Either the information provided is too little or too vague.

Tip: Make sure your profile is 100% complete with an appealing display photo, concise brand description, correct contact information. Most importantly, link to your main site and any relevant information you think your audience might need.

Not Posting Consistently

Not posting regularly can impact your social media following. If you only post once in a while, it may give followers the impression that your account is inactive and in turn they un-follow you.

What’s worse, not posting for a day (or week!) can affect your impressions and engagement rates, due to social media algorithms. Not posting regularly means your content can get hidden from most of your followers when you do finally post.

Tip: Post consistently to guarantee success on social media, whether it’s once a day, twice a day or once every 2 days. Consistency is key!

Not Creating A Content Schedule in Advance

The key to posting consistently is creating a content schedule in advance. That way, you never find yourself with nothing to post or scrambling at the last minute. I teach my Bootcamp students how to create a month’s worth of content in a day, and how to get it scheduled.

Tip: Use social media scheduling apps like Planoly, Tailwind or Hootsuite to create posts in advance.

Health coaching social media mistakes

Not Posting Cohesive Content

Many health coaches have no idea what to post about, so they post about everything. This muddles the message and makes it less clear to your followers (or potential followers) why they should follow you. People often follow accounts for a specific purpose. So if you post about weight loss, autoimmune disease, allergies, and fitness - it may be confusing to people, compared to choosing one to focus on.

Tip: Choose one niche or overarching area to focus on, for example, weight loss, and then ensure the majority of your posts tie back to that.

Using Low-Quality Photos

Since social media is a visual platform, naturally, low-quality photos don’t do well. Photos that are grainy, low resolution, or poorly lit will not do as well as more aesthetically pleasing photos that are clear, high resolution, and well lit.

Tip: Make sure to always post high-resolution, clear photos that are cropped to the right dimensions for the platform. Here’s a cheat sheet with the most recent image size specifications for different social media networks.

Not Engaging With Followers

One of the biggest mistakes people make on social media is leaving comments and questions on your post unanswered. This could result in losing followers and potential clients because individuals get the impression that you are unreachable.

Tip: Stay on top of engagement on every platform you’re on. That means answering comments and messages as promptly as you can.

Ignoring Analytics & Results

A common social media mistake is not checking metrics to know how posts are performing. Monitoring content performance metrics allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your current content strategy and decide what needs to be improved. 

Tip:  Use built-in social media platform tools to track and measure your progress. Review your social media insights on a weekly or monthly basis to know which type of posts are performing well so you can double down on those.

Here’s the takeaway – social media marketing is relatively straight-forward, once you’ve got a strategy in place.

Remember that your social media accounts may be one of the first touchpoints that potential clients will have with you, so it’s important to create a powerful first impression.

Need help setting a clear social media strategy? I’ve got you covered. Enroll in my Health Coach Business Bootcamp, and in just 8 weeks, you’ll have insight on how to define your social media strategy, curate your editorial calendar and so much more.


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