Books Every Health Coach Entrepreneur Should Read

Must-read books for health coaches

There is nothing I love more than digging into a good book. I’ve always been more of a non-fiction gal, with a tendency to seek out books that will add value to my life or business.

While putting together a list of my favorite business books that have shaped the way I think, I realized that they are less about specific strategies and more about mindset.

Having the right mindset is the difference between getting things done or cowering in fear, stuck in perfection paralysis, or perpetually procrastinating.

So whether you’re feeling a little stuck and you need a push, or you just don’t know where to start with your business, check out some of these books:

Rich Dad Poor Dad

The Greatest Salesman in The World

How to Win Friends & Influence People

The E-Myth Revisited

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The Four Agreements

What are some of your favorite business books?

Must-read books for health coaches

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