How Much Does It Cost To Start A Health Coaching Business?

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If you’re wondering how much it costs to start a health coaching business, you’ll be delighted at the answer: very little!

You can get up and running with minimal expenses - and a few strategic investments. Read on for tips to minimize expenses and maximize your return on investment.

Health Coach Business Expenses

Starting out as a Health Coach, there are only a few expenses, and many of them you probably already have, so they won’t incrementally add on to your startup costs.

At this point in time before you’re bringing in a signifiant amount of money, it pays to minimize your expenses. In addition to utilizing resources you already have, seek out free or low cost resources.

Health Coach Business Expenses You Probably Already Have/Pay For

  • Computer or laptop

  • Cell phone

  • Wifi/internet service

  • Camera - a smart phone camera works to start, no need to spend money on a professional camera just yet

  • Printer & paper- optional, if you do in person coaching and want it for handouts. conversely, get things printed at a local print shop as needed

Additional Health Coach Business Expenses

  • Business cards/ post cards - I would suggest only getting these made if you’ll be speaking at an event or if there are some local complementary businesses (like a health food store or yoga studio) that would keep them on the desk or somewhere visible. You may want them if you’re going to a networking event, but even then, they may not be entirely necessary as most people prefer to take down your details directly to their phone (and you should do the same so you can follow up with them).

    My favorite place to print business cards and promotional materials is, and you can order small quantities.

    Starts at $14.99 for 50 business cards

  • Filing Cabinet + Folders - optional, to keep your client files organized. If you’re coaching solely online/virtually and prefer to go paperless, this is unnecessary.

    Approximately $60-80

  • Email Marketing Software - it’s important to grow your email list, in order to communicate directly with those who are interested in your services. You’ll need an email marketing software system like MailChimp, for example, to be able to send one email to multiple people.

    Free for the first 2,000 subscribers. After that, check out my article on my favorite tech tools for other options.

Health Coach Business Investments

Cost of starting a health coaching business

Not everything you spend money on is an expense. If spending $1 will make you $2 (or anything more than $1!) you’re looking at an investment.

  • Website - A good website is absolutely critical for any business in this day and age. But that doesn’t mean it needs to be expensive! I recommend using this website builder, which by far the most efficient, affordable, and design-award-worthy way to create a website.

    I would highly recommend this over shelling out 2K+ for a custom wordpress website.

    Be sure you do your research and understand what elements comprise not just a beautiful site, but an effective site which turns browsers into buyers. In the Health Coach Business Bootcamp, I teach students how to do just that by strategically laying out their content, crafting authentic copy that converts, and developing a solid editorial and newsletter strategy.

    The website builder monthly plan is $26/month and the annual plan is $18/month when paid in full. Use code PARTNER10 for 10% off.

  • Professional Photos - Photos are an integral part of your digital footprint, whether on your website or social media. Invest in professional headshots and lifestyle photos for your website. I teach students how to choose a photographer, plan a shoot, and get the most out of it in the Health Coach Business Bootcamp. You don’t have to spend a TON on photos, but I would advise against going the dirt cheap / free route, as you get what you pay for. Photos make a HUGE difference, and help people decide whether they want to work with you or not.

    A 3 hour or half-day photo session could cost $300-1000+, depending on photographers experience, location, post production, props, etc.

  • A Business Coach or Business Training Program - If you want to start your own business and are unsure where to start, a business coach or training program can save you years of wallowing in procrastination, overwhelm, and confusion.

    They can also help you start earning income. For example, Rachel of Thriving Mamas & Littles struggled for 6 months with 0 clients and 0 income. Then she did the Health Coach Business Bootcamp, and made enough money to cover the cost of the program in just a couple months! (You can read her testimonial here).

    A good business coaching program is an investment in your future, that should help you earn back your initial cash outlay, and much more for years to come.

So as you can see, you can start a Health Coaching business on a shoestring with minimal expenses, but it’s wise to invest in things that will help you earn money and grown your business.


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